1. Information about Hollard, Dotsure and the Transfer
1.1 Who is Hollard
1.2 Who is Dotsure
2. Transfers of Policies from Hollard to Dotsure
2.1 Why is the insurer of my policy changing?
2.2 Which policies are affected by the transfer?
2.3 How will the policies be transferred?
3. Do you have to give consent to the transfer of your policy or cover?
3. Do you have to give consent to the transfer of your policy or cover?
4. What does this mean for my policy if the Proposed Transfer is approved?
4. What does this mean for my policy if the Proposed Transfer is approved?
5. Will policy benefits remain secured?
5. Will policy benefits remain secured?
6. How will the Proposed Transfer take place?
6. How will the Proposed Transfer take place?
7. What is the Transfer process:
7.1 The process of the Transfer will be as follows:
8. What if I do not want Dotsure to underwrite any cover relating to me?
8. What if I do not want Dotsure to underwrite any cover relating to me?
9. Where can I obtain more information about the Proposed Transfer?
9.1 Copies of the documents mentioned below shall be available for inspection on the websites of:
9.2 The documents available for inspection will include:
10. How will my existing claims be dealt with?
10.1 How will my existing claims be dealt with?
11. Who can I contact if I have enquiries regarding the Proposed Transfer?
11.1 Please direct all queries as follows:
Alternatively, please direct your enquiries to the Prudential Authority per email at SARB-PA@resbank.co.za.
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Any reference on this website to "dotsure.co.za", "we", "us", or "our" refers to Dotsure Limited (Registration number 2006/000723/06) (FSP39925) and Dotsure Life Limited (Registration number 2012/066504/06) (FSP44793), licensed as non-life and life insurers respectively and authorised financial services providers. Client testimonials do not constitute financial advice.
**#1 Insurer as rated on Hellopeter.com (from December 2019 to December 2021)